Monday, December 31, 2007

It is 2:16 PM, Monday December 31 2007

and I haven't written in a moleskine notebook like you for so long. I am forced to write small, it feels good. Panda Bear's album "Person Pitch" is playing and it has placed me in a different world. The slight pain in the upper rear part of my head just jumped a bit. I will write in this book everyday.

I awoke to my GF's computer. I read the NYTimes and also watched the LATimes list of 2007's viral videos. I showered and listened to one of my demo cd's. Last night I watched Chris Farley, Andy Kaufman, and Lily Tomlin Videos on You Tube. I drank some Nyquil to put me to rest. Kids used to call me Chris(Farley) when I grew up. It bothered me a bit, but now I see the similiarities. Chris was very lonely. GF read a birthday book at a store yesterday.

I would like to make some videos this year with my friend MC. (It) would be fun to spend 1 year making music, then the next making video representations of those songs and then spending the year performing them.

GF said the birthday book description of me was right on. She told me about it, and I agree'd.

Opening Panda Bear's 'Person Pitch' I see a picture of what I assume is his studio. It looks like mine, which is also pretty messy. I wonder if he has a job?

Resume-Making time starts now for me.

I fetch GF's computer(my apple iBook gives me the Blinking Question mark face everytime i start it up). My room smells of what some women describe as 'man-smell'. I see a yellow ruled note that I wrote, its from when I was in PA over the christmas. I wrote it while I was reading Kafka's "Metamorphosous". The note reads:(xxx xx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx x x x x x x x xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x it xxxxxxxxxxx xx x xxx was xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxx)

(listening to Good Girl on "Person Pitch") If Panda Bear had a pay pal account, or something of that nature, I would pay him money. For his music I admire, and I want him to concentrate and write more. We send money to our politicians when they campaign. And why? because politicians try and make our lives better. Then following that logic, Panda Bear has made my life better. More specifically, the coffee I drank this morning has enhanced my mood and my feelings, just like Panda Bear's "Person Pitch" album has. Some might say, well go buy his music if he enhances your life. I do, and I did. But artists make there money performing. And I do not have many opportunities to go see concerts. I also know that many, many people do not pay for music.

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